Motif Foodworks
Motif Foodworks, an innovative startup science and technology company, focuses on ingredient innovation and reshaping the landscape of food by delivering a better experience without the use of animals.

Studio Troika worked on the design and construction of brand new laboratory and office facilities. The project included a Food Science Lab with state of the art cooking equipment and a tasting area, a Pilot/Fermentation Lab to harness microbes for target ingredients, and an Analytical Lab for testing and evaluating outcomes.

The elegant kitchenette was a focus for the design since food is at the heart of the company’s mission and identity. Contemporary meeting spaces, offices for executives, and an open office space with room to grow was also designed to complete this new company’s branding goals.
Sabrina Cole Quinn
General Contractor - BW Kennedy
MEP/FP - Syska Hennesy Group
Civil Engineer - Thompson-Liston Associates
Structural Engineer - Desimone Engineers
AV - DGI Technologies
Furniture Vendor - Creative Office Resources
Lighting Consultant - Sk & Associates
Code Consultant - RW Sullivan
Sumitomo Racmo
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