
Internationally known as a major social networking platform, our Confidential Client maintains offices around the globe that encourage the multi-disciplinary nature of their business.

In working with the client, Studio Troika sought a design that would support engineering and software design, as well as marketing functions, while promoting social interaction and a strong sense of place and community. Studio Troika, therefore, sought to celebrate Boston as a City, so that both daily users and visitors would be able to engage with the platform through a vibrant spatial experience.

The office, for example, features a palette of materiality, branding, and art that represent the City and the people who thrive here. Through bold colors and powerful design features, the voices of local individuals and groups are featured throughout.

The design includes a large open office area with different types of open and closed collaboration space, as well as a large, central gathering space for dining and hosting community-based events.
Richard Hawke
General Contractor - Lee Kennedy Co, Inc,
MEP/FP - BALA Engineers
Structural Engineer - BALA Engineers
Food Service - Colburn & Guyette
AV - Communications Design Associates/HRAV
Lighting Vendor - Illuminate
Furniture Vendor - MG West
Code Consultant - R.W. Sullivan
Hardware Consultant - Campbell McCabe
Acoustic Consultant - Acentech
Webster Five
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